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About Me

So you want to know more about me?  Oy vay it's hard to talk about yourself!  Have you ever tried to write a bio that really encapsulates your personality and your mad skillz?  Definitely is not easy, but I'm going to give it a shot.  Here goes...

I was born very young.

I have a complicated family with my parents divorced when I was under 5 years old.  I have half siblings and a step brother as a result.  I've got a bonus mom, step-grandparents, and lots of extended family.  It gets a bit hairy when I try to describe my family tree, but it's mine and I love them all!

I moved around a lot as a kid being taken care of by grandparents, moving from Indiana to Ohio and all around. Somehow I managed to adapt and make new friends each time.  I was a theater geek, avid reader, and early adopter of computers.  Thanks to my dad's Commodore 64, I had a great time writing short programs and games.  I took dance, oil painting, and ceramic classes.  I dabbled in a lot of things and still do.

College led me to a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and eventually a career as a Traffic Engineer.  It's a job that challenges me and has taught me many things.  There aren't many computer programs that stump me longer than a few hours... I know computer drafting with AutoCAD and Microstation.  I rock with Microsoft Word, Access, Publisher, and Excel. Recently I have become pretty adept at many aspects of online and on-demand publishing.  I have now edited and published 46 issues of the magazine, Going In-Depth, with my business partners at The In-Depth Genealogist. I've used Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Microsoft Publisher to create the magazines and books we have published. In 2015, I served in the role of associate editor for the Federation of Genealogical Societies FORUM magazine. Currently I am Newsletter Editor for the Indiana Genealogical Society. In case you haven't guessed... I like to be BUSY!

In my free time I spend a lot of time hanging with my hubby, two corgis, two cats, and two fish tanks.  It's a bit of a zoo at my house, but I love 'em!  I have many hobbies that occupy my time: genealogy, reading, embroidery, painting, photography, and gardening.  I love Big Bang Theory and even have a Mini Cooper named Sheldon. I love Legos. The Wizard of Oz is my all time favorite movie and I have a growing collection of figures. I love Doctor Who.  If you'd like to get to know me feel free to find me on your favorite social media platform!

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